The Chancellor announced plans for the "biggest boost in social and affordable housebuilding in a generation" on a visit to an affordable housing site in Stoke-On-Trent with the Deputy...
As Britain faces what has been called “the worst housing crisis in living memory”, the challenge of providing affordable housing has never been more acute.
Philip Allin, Director, Boyer (London) explores how affordable and social housing in and around cities will be affected following the abolition of the urban uplift.
The firm is now seeking new partnerships with private residential landlords, who wish to provide their properties for the purpose of affordable housing.
Robin Rathore of Bamboo Auctions argues that there is little point in building more new homes when people can’t afford to buy them because, thanks to rising housebuilding costs,...
Lawrence Turner, Director at Boyer explores how effective councils' new powers will be in addressing the housing crisis or whether it's just rapid reform for rapid reform’s...
Stephen Patey, Senior Manager, haysmacintyre explores how VAT has been holding back affordable housing and how reform has a key role to play in unlocking much-needed growth in the...