"We continue to review and build our product range to ensure landlords have a number of options available to help find a mortgage that is right for them."
All products are fixed at five years with a 7.00% product fee.
Available from today, a 75% LTV product is available at 5.09% for individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties.
A buy-to-let multi property product has also launched at the same rate.
The new range follows the launch of two new limited edition buy-to-let products earlier this month.
Jon Cooper, head of mortgages at Aldermore, commented: “We understand the important role landlords play in the UK housing market and that they have varied portfolios which can often be overlooked by high street lenders.
"At Aldermore, we continue to review and build our product range to ensure landlords have a number of options available to help find a mortgage that is right for them.”