Aldermore has announced that it has launched two new limited edition buy-to-let products as part of its effort to support landlords in securing better deals for their portfolios.
According to the lender, for buy-to-let individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties, there is a new 2-year fixed with a 3% fee, 5.74% to 75% LTV
The new buy-to-let multi-property product for individual and company landlords with residential investment properties is a 2-year fixed product that carries a 3% fee, 5.74% to 75% LTV.
Jon Cooper, head of mortgages at Aldermore, comments: “We’re delighted to be announcing our newest tranche of limited edition buy to let products to help landlords find the right deal for them. At Aldermore, we’re continually reviewing our product range and rates to ensure we’re providing landlords the support they need to realise their property investment goals.”