Rental market analysis by London lettings and estate agent, Benham and Reeves, analysed the latest figures on the estimated number of individuals with property income excluding furnished holiday lets across the UK, how this figure differed by area and how it stacked up when compared to wider population figures, to reveal where’s home to the most landlords in the nation.
The figures show that there are currently an estimated 2.65m landlords across the UK, equating to 3,959 landlords for every 100,000 people.
Regionally, the South East is home to the highest total number of landlords at 9.3m, but London has the highest number of landlords per capita.
The nation’s landlord hotspot when it comes to where they reside is the City of London, with the most landlords per capita in the UK.
Richmond and Kensington and Chelsea also rank with some of the highest landlord levels per capita, followed by Elmbirdge, South Hams, the Isles of Scilly, Barnet, Harrow, Three Rivers and Epping Forest.
In contrast, Kingston upon Hull is home to the lowest level of landlords per capita, with some 2,710 landlords across a population of 266,463 people equating to just 1,017 landlords per 100,000 people.
Blaenau Gwent, West Dunbartonshire, Knowsley, North Lanarkshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Sandwell, Glasgow, Inverclyde and Liverpool are also home to some of the lowest number of landlords per capita.
Marc von Grundherr, Director of Benham and Reeves, commented: “Not only does the UK property market help millions of buyers realise their dreams of homeownership each and every year, but it also provides a source of income for millions more of us and it’s great to see a robust number remain despite the government’s clamp down on the financial returns on offer.
"Of course, in the modern age, technology has allowed us to expand our property portfolios beyond the previous geographical limitations of yesteryear.
"With the combination of this technology, and a top draw letting agent to help manage the day-to-day requirements of property investment, we now have the ability to live in Cornwall and invest in Scotland should we so wish.
"This enables those investing in the real estate sector to take advantage of a changing market and the differing returns available without having to relocate in order to do so.”