"We are very pleased to be back in a position to reduce our rates and to offer landlords a more competitive range of lending options"
West One Loans has announced that it has reduced rates by up to 100 basis points across its range of limited edition buy-to-let fixed-rate mortgages.
According to the lender, its five-year fixed rates in the W1 range now start at 5.45% for landlords with standard properties. For those with specialist properties, rates now start at 5.54%. Equivalent two-year products both start from 5.50%.
Non-portfolio landlords can now access rates for two and five-year products starting from 5.39% and 5.40% respectively.
Andrew Ferguson, managing director of West One’s buy-to-let division, said: “We are moving quickly to pass on these rate reductions as the outlook for inflation and swap rates begins to improve.
“The market has been through a tumultuous period and it has made life difficult for landlords, intermediaries and lenders alike.
“We are very pleased to be back in a position to reduce our rates and to offer landlords a more competitive range of lending options.
“The strength of the business coupled with its flexible, responsible approach to lending is what makes this possible. Whatever the market has in store, we will be here to support landlords as much as we can.”