A new survey of over 2,000 landlords commissioned by the DPS has found that the strategies of buy-to-let landlords are continuing to be strongly influenced by turbulence in the wider...
Professional property investors are acutely aware of the risks and challenges currently facing the sector and are looking to pay down debt as they focus on optimising their...
Guy Coggrave, Managing Director, GSC Grays, looks at how The Renters' Reform Bill could offer landlords the opportunity to review their portfolio and consider if their properties and...
Despite continuing economic uncertainty, sentiment among large portfolio landlords is running high, with a majority planning to acquire at least one new asset in the coming...
Jon Cooper, head of mortgages at Aldermore, looks at the future of property investment in the UK and identifies the opportunities available for landlords amid the challenges in today's...
Despite ongoing turbulence across the market and pressure intensifying for UK landlords, new market analysis from Landbay has revealed that 42% of respondents of a new landlord survey...