Many mortgage holders will be reeling following the Bank of England's latest interest rate hike in its ongoing attempt to tackle inflation. And with the new rate of 5% the highest in...
Landlords hit by rising costs and tightening regulations are continuing to sell up, according to newly released data from Zoopla which report that, as a result, more cheaper homes are...
Miranda Khadr, founder of Provide Finance, looks at the benefits of bridging loans and highlights why they remain vital among investors as a complementary form of finance.
When comparing all residential property types over the past decade, detached properties have given investors the best returns and have outperformed flats by 20%, according to new...
For amateur investors looking to break into the property market, there are several main routes to explore. However, according to peer-to-peer real estate investment platform,...
Rent controls and ongoing political uncertainty are impacting investor appetite to fund and deliver build-to-rent homes in Scotland, according to a new report released by The Scottish...
During the past year, talk of the 'death of the PRS' has increased as well as claims that the days of the amateur landlord making a profit on buy-to-let property investments are over....
We’re only a month into 2023 and the economy and housing market are already proving turbulent – with house price growth continuing to slow, and recession being discussed...
A strong competitive rental market including rental prices, low void periods, and tenant demand appears to be enough to keep the estimated 23,555 of the local population earning a...
The property market has long been an important element of the UK economy. It has proved to be an excellent way to generate and accumulate wealth over the long term, either through...