Related topic: Property

Question 901
22nd February 2023

Just £14 separated average asking prices for homes between January and February this year - the smallest increase from January to February on record. And as heat continues to...

22nd February 2023

During the pandemic, record numbers of first-time buyers flooded the market with the boom in numbers largely fuelled by changes to stamp duty. However, this figure has fallen sharply...

21st February 2023

Today is Pancake Day! Despite being relatively easy to make and widely available in most supermarkets - constantly, once again, us Brits will be firing up the frying pans and cramming...

Clock 850
20th February 2023

The Doomsday Clock, a metaphor for how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making, or via catastrophic disruptions from climate change, is now...

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