Emoov has found a number of pancake related property options for aspirational buyers with a sweet tooth. However with an average price of £350k, they will have to pay a pancake premium of 24% more than the average house price across England.
The 5 Most Affordable:
Blueberry Avenue, Manchester
Average Price on Street: £100,695
Topping the list with the most affordable price tag, look to Blueberry Avenue where there is an average property price of £110,695. Any pancake aficionado knows that adding blueberries to pancakes is both a healthy and appetising treat, especially when it costs £181,189 less than England’s average.
Cream Street, Sheffield
Average Price on Street: £118,319
A pancake is never complete without delicious condiments. Cream Street in Sheffield is the second most affordable street with an average value of £118,319.
Lemon Grove, Bordon (Hampshire)
Average Price on Street: £127,000. Keeping with the theme of pancake toppings, Lemon Grove follows with an average property price of £127,000.
Shrove Pass, Gateshead (Tyne & Wear)
Average Price on Street: £146,500. With price jumping up slightly, Shrove Pass in Tyne and Wear has an average property price of £146,500, but still well below the English average.
Cocoa Yard, Nantwich (Cheshire)
Average Price on Street: £182,065. The perfect compromise for both chocolate and pancake lovers is Cocoa Yard in Cheshire, which averages £182,065 for property.
The 5 Most Expensive:
Honey Bottom, Newbury (West Berkshire)
Average Price on Street: £970,415. There are also options for the more premium crepe loving crowd. Honey Bottom in Newbury offers the most expensive property values at an average of £970,415, which is almost triple that of Newbury (£391,839).
Sugar Lane, Macclesfield (Cheshire)
Average Price on Street: £860,651
Honey Bottom is followed by Sugar Lane, with a not-so-sweet average property price of £860,651.
Fruitlands, Eynsham (West Oxfordshire)
Average Price on Street: £548,7730. At a much lower price and healthier topping is Eynsham’s Fruitlands, where the average property value sits at £548,730.
Strawberry Valley, Dartmouth (Devon)
Average Price on Street: £455,586. Staying in the fruit family, Strawberry Valley in Dartmouth has a £455,586 average property price.
Pancake Lane, Gloucester
Average Price on Street: £422,519. Finally comes Gloucester’s Pancake Lane, which is the ultimate crepe lover’s street name. At a much lower cost than Honey Bottom and just over £300k higher than Blueberry Avenue, Pancake Lane has an average property value of £422,519.
Russell Quirk, founder and CEO of Emoov.co.uk, had this to say: “Who knew that there were so many streets across England with names associated with Pancake Day? Although it’s unlikely anyone would invest in a property solely because of their love for pancakes, those that are thinking about it would have to pay 24% more than the average house price in England. ”