Of these, 11,135 new homes were registered in the private sector against 11,017 a year ago. In the affordable sector, 4,020 new homes were registered compared to 3,785 in November 2017.
During the rolling quarter of September to November, total new home registrations rose 7% to 43,745 new homes against the same period last year, with private registrations during the period lifting 6% to 33,104 and those for the affordable sector rising 10% to 10,641.
Nine of 12 UK regions experienced growth in new home registrations year-on-year during the rolling quarter, with Yorkshire & Humberside, Wales and the South West seeing significant lifts at +43%, +34% and +21% respectively. Meanwhile, in London registrations were down 16% with registrations in the West Midlands dropping 11%.
Steve Wood, NHBC CEO, comments: “As we reach the end of the year it is reassuring to see continued strong new home registration numbers, with growth across the majority of the UK.
Looking ahead to 2019, NHBC will continue to support the country’s house-building industry to deliver more, high quality new homes for consumers.”