Good property photos essential to attract buyers when selling your home

A picture can do more than paint a thousand words, it can dramatically improve the chances of selling your home, according to research conducted by property portal, MoveStreets.

Related topics:  Property
Property Reporter
2nd November 2021
Sold 205

According to the findings, property images are the most influential aspect of a property listing when it comes to forming a good first impression with homebuyers, ranking above the floorplan (2nd), the number of bedrooms and bathrooms (3rd), the property description (4th), as well as information on additional features, wider amenities and the estate agent listing the property.

What’s more, 86% of recent homebuyers stated that when surfing the portals for potential property, they chose to view a listing in full purely because the initial image shown made a good first impression.

Not only could a great photo potentially help you sell your home, but a bad one could also scupper your chances, deterring potential buyers from viewing your home digitally, let alone in person. MoveStreets found that 66% of buyers would bypass a property listing altogether if the initial image didn’t appeal to them.

When it comes to the full property listing, 79% said that the property photos were the first thing they checked when viewing a property in full.

Over half of homebuyers (53%) also said that if the photos failed to impress them any further, they wouldn’t even bother looking at the rest of the information listed such as the property description.

Should the same property be listed with two different estate agents, 41% of homebuyers would only enquire with the agent that presented the best photos, while 48% would refrain from viewing a property with poor photos altogether.

Adam Kamani, CEO and Co-Founder of MoveStreets, commented: “They say we eat with our eyes and it certainly seems that we buy homes with them as well, or at the very least, decide which ones are worth viewing in more detail.

"In the modern age, the internet has allowed us to consume huge amounts of information at speed and the digital viewings process is no different when it comes to surfing the portals for a property.

"While a homebuyer will set their initial search criteria around price, location and property size, the photos used to advertise your home are incredibly important and utilising them to their full potential could make or break the sale of your home.

"So when looking to sell, ensure you list with an agent who will invest some time in proper, professional photographs. Not one that will whizz around in 10 minutes with a smartphone.”

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