Latest News

22nd February 2023

During the pandemic, record numbers of first-time buyers flooded the market with the boom in numbers largely fuelled by changes to stamp duty. However, this figure has fallen sharply...

Luton 912
22nd February 2023

Tenants across six major cities could cut their monthly cost of renting by as much as half by looking to surrounding towns across the commuter belt, according to newly released data...

To Let 855
22nd February 2023

In November 2022, Buy to Let affordability fell to its lowest level on record, with 19% of enquiries failing to find one lender able to provide the loan size requested. However,...

Estate Agent 703
22nd February 2023

According to new research, residential estate agents are the lowest-paid professionals in the real estate industry with base salaries almost £30,000 below the wider industry...

21st February 2023

Today is Pancake Day! Despite being relatively easy to make and widely available in most supermarkets - constantly, once again, us Brits will be firing up the frying pans and cramming...

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