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question 833
23rd February 2023

Despite 1 in 5 people across the UK privately renting and 44.16% in fixed-tenancy agreements, a recent survey has found that 14% of UK renters are unaware of what type of tenancy...

Mortgage 221
23rd February 2023

There are many different ways of being able to afford higher mortgage costs without necessarily changing too much in your life or giving up the things you love. Sarah Thompson from...

Rent Up 551
22nd February 2023

Despite the government’s best efforts, specifically, the abandoned plan to increase capital gains tax for landlords, the UK rental market has continued to strengthen over the...

Question 901
22nd February 2023

Just £14 separated average asking prices for homes between January and February this year - the smallest increase from January to February on record. And as heat continues to...

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