Simon said: “Much doom and gloom has been expressed that the changes to tax relief and stamp duty will make it more difficult for landlords, particularly new and amateur landlords. But at a time when there is such choice of funding and the alacrity with which the industry has come up with potential new funding choices like Limited Company BTL products, funding is not really going to be the issue.
Instead, landlords looking at acquisition will be working harder to find areas where property prices are not overinflated and can generate rental yields which make sense. While the moves on restricting tax relief and increasing stamp duty will create some barriers to entry, they are not insurmountable and the main consideration for successful investment in 2016 will be the mantra of ‘location, location, location’.
First time landlords might be thinking a little more deeply about involving themselves because of the changes, but funding will not be the issue. In reality, it will be about making sure the sums add up and that has everything to do with the geographical areas they choose to buy. The BTL market will continue to be a very competitive one in 2016, which can only benefit landlords and their advisers and we will continue to champion first time landlords as we have since we launched.”