Local authorities are expected to be able to use this funding to support a nationwide private rented sector leasing scheme.
The scheme will allow local authorities to lease properties from private landlords to provide homes for those experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. Landlords will be offered guaranteed rent payments and contributions towards the cost of making improvements to the properties.
Private sector leasing schemes provide improved access to accommodation for households in need and balance the risks faced by landlords when working with tenants who can be difficult to reference or have an atypical rental history.
Chris Norris, NRLA policy director, said: “We cautiously welcome the announcement of funding for greater use of private rented property to help end homelessness in Wales.
“The NRLA is yet to see much of the detail of how the action plan will be enacted, however, we are pleased this initiative recognises the positive role played by private landlords in providing good quality homes for those in the greatest need.
“Private sector leasing schemes such as that included in the Ending Homeless Action Plan can be beneficial to landlords and tenants as well as providing cost-effective housing solutions for local government.”