Here in the UK, we love our furry friends. 93% of us agree that owning a pet makes them happy and there’s no doubt that the United Kingdom is a nation of pet lovers, with 40% of the population owning some type of animal.
However, those who are renting, or looking to rent, might be out of luck, as finding a landlord that considers pets can be slim pickings.
A new study by CIA Landlord has found the worst locations across the UK to rent as a pet lover by comparing the total number of properties available to rent with the number of properties that would consider pets. The study also surveyed landlords to find out why they aren’t so accepting of our furry friends.
Pets of all shapes and sizes are seen as treasured family members in many households, so the thought of living without them is almost unbearable. The table below shows the locations in the UK that are least accepting of your four-legged roommate.
If you can’t be without your pet and you're looking for a place to rent, then avoid looking in Leeds as only 1% of the properties listed stated that they were pet friendly. Cardiff and Coventry place in second and third with a joint 2%.
Perhaps you should think about heading to Belfast. 11% of the properties listed said that they would consider pets, with Wakefield and Glasgow following closely behind with a joint 8%.
The capital doesn’t prove to be much better since 97% of properties available to rent in London do not allow pets. The table below gives a breakdown of the worst 5 London boroughs to rent as a pet owner.
As part of the research, CIA Landlord surveyed 500 landlords to find out the reasons behind their reluctance to allowing pets on the property. The majority answered that they were ‘worried about pets injuring other tenants’, with ‘worried about pets not being properly trained’ being the second-highest concern (39% and 35% respectively).
The results of the survey show that only 18% of landlords asked said they allow all types of pets within their property. But this doesn’t stop some residents sneaking a pet in, with 78% of landlords having caught a resident lying about keeping a pet! Tenants in the North West have been caught lying the most (89%), with the East of England having the second-most liars (83%), followed by Greater London (81%).
On average, 36% of landlords charge tenants an extra £91 in rent per month to keep a pet on the property. They’ve also had to pay an average of £183 to repair damage to their property caused by animals.
Richard Wayman, Finance Director at CIA Landlord, commented: “As a landlord, it can be a difficult decision on whether you want to enforce a no-pets-allowed policy in your property. From damages to the furniture, to happier tenants, there are many disadvantages and advantages to allowing a tenant keeping a pet.
“It’s important that you fully considered all aspects before deciding on what is best for you and your property.”