Despite the recent political and financial uncertainty of the past few years, the research suggests UK landlords are looking ahead this year with a positive and vigorous outlook about their current and future position within the UK’s buy-to-let market.
The research found that 60% of UK landlords and property investors who attend the UK’s leading buy-to-let exhibition show are looking to invest in 2020, among some other interesting insights.
Whilst the overarching narrative presented about the future position of UK landlords has been one that is negative often dwelling on ‘regrets’ of landlords due to high regulations of the private rental market and uncertainties of the UK buy-to-let market within a post-Brexit context- this new research says different.
A growing theme of looking ahead to the future for UK landlords and property investors is prominent as over half (54%) expressed they are making an investment into property to plan for a pension whilst 27% admit they are landlords and property investors to build for their children’s future.
Out of the 60% of UK landlords and property investors who are looking to invest in 2020, nearly three quarters (71%) have expressed a preference to invest in residential property. Furthermore, one-fifth of UK landlords (20%) are hoping the 2020 shows will help them in their search for investment opportunities.
The findings further present a detailed insight into the portfolios of UK landlords and investors attending the show with three quarters (75%) indicating they do not own their properties within a limited company. Additionally, an increasing number of UK landlords and investors are showing an interest in commercial as well as residential investment opportunities with 1 in 4 (23%) now confirming they own commercial properties in their portfolio.
Tracey Hanbury, Director and Co-Founder of The National Landlord Investment Show shares her thoughts on the research findings: “What this research has shown is that contrary to other opinions within the industry there are exciting times ahead for UK landlords and property professionals. There is no better time than now to engage and stay up to date with the UK’s buy-to-let market at our Landlord Investment Show”.