"Haringey Council has a zero-tolerance policy to rogue landlords; in one case the landlord has been made to repay £20,000 in rent to their tenants. Our licencing scheme is in place for a reason: to protect Haringey’s private renters by ensuring their homes are safe and well-maintained"
- Cllr Sarah Williams - Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning
A Tottenham landlord has been ordered to refund 12 months’ rent to tenants after failing to license their HMO property.
The fine was issued after the landlord ignored their initial warning which resulted in a £2500 fine and £20,000 in rent repayment to the tenants. The landlord was also required to ensure the property was licenced and pay the application fee.
In addition to this, another two landlords who each have property in Wood Green have also received Civil Penalty notices after failing to license their properties. Having ignored their responsibilities to comply, their appeal was not upheld by the First Tier Tribunal. One landlord was ordered to pay £5000 and the other £2000.
With around 40% of Haringey’s population living in the private rented sector, the council have taken strong measures to ensure residents live in safe and well-maintained homes. Enforcement action has been taken against landlords who do not fulfil their legal responsibilities to protect residents through licencing.
A property is classed as an HMO if at least three unrelated tenants are living in the property, and they share bathroom or toilet facilities and/or kitchen. The licensing scheme, which requires landlords to obtain a license to let a property which meets the definition of an HMO, has been in operation since May 2019.
Cllr Sarah Williams, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning, said: “Thanks to the hard work of council officers, legal action has been taken against landlords that have failed to license their properties.
“Haringey Council has a zero-tolerance policy to rogue landlords; in one case the landlord has been made to repay £20,000 in rent to their tenants. Our licencing scheme is in place for a reason: to protect Haringey’s private renters by ensuring their homes are safe and well-maintained.
“A tightly regulated and professionalised landlord industry helps protect and promote our good landlords and creates a safer, healthier and more accountable rented sector for tenants. Our existing HMO licensing scheme needs to be renewed next year so I’d encourage all residents, particularly those living in the private rented sector, to take part in the consultation that will help shape our new scheme.”