"The speed of sale in 2023 has been slower than in recent years, showing that the relentless interest rate rises has done its job by dampening the housing market and curbing inflation"
- Paula Higgins - HomeOwners Alliance
Prospective home-sellers will need to have their property on the market by Friday 27th October in order to sell their home before Christmas, according to a new study.
Data from HomeOwners Alliance’s Best Estate Agent Finder offers insight into the time it takes to sell a residential property. The time to sell has extended over the course of 2023 from 44 days in January, and 53 days in March to 60 days in recent months.
With homes taking on average 60 days to sell, homeowners need to list by 27th October if they want to sell by Christmas.
The HomeOwners Alliance, a property advice website, has 3 tips for getting your house sold this winter:
Cash in on cosy autumn vibes
Getting your house ready for sale as the days get crisper means embracing soft furnishings like sumptuous throws and sheepskin rugs. As the nights draw in, use lighting to prettify dark corners. Candles and fairy lights are inexpensive but can really warm up a room.
And of course, light the fire if you have one or put the heating on if necessary before a viewing. Kerb appeal can be enhanced with an on-trend autumnal door wreath. And while we’re outside, make sure hedges are neat, leaves swept up and wheelie bins hidden away.
Get the price right
Working out what price to sell for in the current market isn’t easy. So go to a good local estate agent for advice. Use our Find the Best Estate Agent tool, which ranks your local estate agents by how successful they are at selling quickly and securing the asking price, to select the best three agents. Invite them round to give you a free no-obligation valuation.
While they need to impress you with their local knowledge, don’t fall for the flattery of an overly ambitious valuation - estate agents do this to win your business only to reduce the price a month later after you’ve lost time languishing on the market with no viewings.
Set up your solicitor
After the excitement of putting your house on the market, some sellers sit back and wait for the sale. But now is the time to get ahead of the game. Shop around and compare quotes from conveyancing solicitors early on and start pulling paperwork together now if you want a slick sale. At the very least, dig out these 11 essential documents.
Paula Higgins, Chief Executive of HomeOwners Alliance, said: “The speed of sale in 2023 has been slower than in recent years, showing that the relentless interest rate rises have done its job by dampening the housing market and curbing inflation. So, to agree a sale by Christmas, you need to list your home by the end of October at the latest."