Specialist mortgage broker Word On The Street has closed an £8m buy-to-let facility for a returning professional landlord client.
Michael Street, Founding Partner, arranged the loan to refinance a portfolio of large HMO assets in the Midlands.
In addition, £2.4m of the total facility has been raised to fund further property investment.
The borrower—a long-term client of Michael’s—has a sizable portfolio in the Midlands and has partnered with the award-winning brokerage to structure the finance needed to enable them to keep growing.
Michael commented: “Our relationships with specialist lenders that are comfortable and commercial in their HMO offering–an asset class that is considered relatively complex–is a huge benefit to our clients.
“Access to dedicated underwriting and processing teams means that we can complete seamlessly–all while getting the best possible deal for the client.
“It was a pleasure to work with the borrower again, this time to find them a great term product and some capital to keep expanding.”