"Here we have three separate sites which all have various levels of required works, an intricate investor structure, and an all-too-familiar planning hold-up yet we still have everything in place to release the funds the second the applicant requires"
- Ian Miller-Hawes - Aspen Bridging
Despite all three projects having been visited and ready to complete, the drawdown was delayed until planning approval had been granted for the church conversion, at which point the lender released funds on the very same day.
The site in Cheltenham will see a building of 18 flats reconfigured to create an enhanced offering of 15 fully refurbed luxury one-and-two-bedroom apartments.
The church in Bath is being converted into eight one, two and three-bedroom units with the additional land purchase providing parking spaces for the new tenants.
The 65% LTV deal was completed on Aspen’s Flat Rate at 0.94% per month over 16 months. Exit will be achieved through completion of all works and sale of several units, with the apartments in Bath being sold off-plan and the penthouse already reserved.
In line with the lender’s one-person Customer Service Commitment, the deal was taken from start to finish by Richard Tweddell, Senior Underwriter.
Ian Miller-Hawes, Sales Director for Aspen Bridging, said: “We excel in introducing simplicity into complex cases. Here we have three separate sites which all have various levels of required works, an intricate investor structure, and an all-too-familiar planning hold-up yet we still have everything in place to release the funds the second the applicant requires. Our service levels truly are second to none.”