"We know that people’s circumstances can be varied and complex, and that they often don’t fit in to the boxes other lenders require them to"
Aldermore Bank has announced reductions of up to 0.50% across its buy-to-let mortgage range.
For individual and company landlords with single residential investment properties, two and five-year fixed rates now start from 6.59% up to 75% LTV with a 1.50% fee, reducing to 6.49% for properties with an EPC rating of A, B or C.
Five-year fixes are also available at 6.89% with no fee, 6.29% with a 3% fee, and 5.69% with a 5% fee.
For individuals, companies, HMO and multi unit freehold (up to 6 bedrooms/units), two and five-year fixed rates start at 7.05% with a 1.50% fee, with a 10bps reduction for properties with an EPC rating of A, B or C. A five-year fix is also available at 7.39% with no fee or 6.79% with a 3% fee.
Multi property products have reduced to 6.49% with a 1.50% fee. Five-year fixed rates are also available from 6.79% with no fee, 6.19% with a 3% fee, and 5.59% with a 5% fee.
Multi property products for HMO or multi unit freehold are available at 6.99% with a 1.50% fee, 7.29% with no fee, and 6.69% with a 3% fee.
Buy-to-let large loan products for HMO and multi unit freehold (7-12 bedrooms / 7-20 units) start at 7.19% with a 1.50% fee, 7.49% with no fee, and 6.89% with a 3% fee.
For existing buy-to-let customers, two-year fixed rates have reduced by up to 0.20% and five-year fixes by up to 0.50%.
Jon Cooper, head of mortgages at Aldermore, commented: “Our core purpose is to help people go for it in life and our rate reductions offer something for everyone, whether it’s landlords, home movers, existing homeowners wanting to remortgage or those looking to get on the property ladder for the first time.
“We know that people’s circumstances can be varied and complex, and that they often don’t fit in to the boxes other lenders require them to, so it can be a real challenge to receive the financial support they need. Our human approach to lending, and our specialist advisers consider each case on an individual basis which gives us more of an opportunity to support our customers in helping them to find the mortgage that is right for them.”