The study, conducted by PropertyLetByUs, reveals that almost a third of landlords face filthy ovens at check-out, followed by dirty baths and sinks (23%), stained carpets and floorcoverings (22%), mucky showers (10%) and grubby kitchen cupboards (9%).
The research also reveals that over 60% of landlords are left with piles of rubbish left by tenants in lofts, sheds, garages and gardens. Dirt is not the only problem that landlords have to contend with.
Over 40% of landlords find that their property has been redecorated without permission and one in six landlords has experienced pet damage, comprising scratches and snags to woodwork and soft furnishings. A further 7% have faced damage from children, such as writing on walls, 4% have found broken curtain poles and blinds and 3% have had broken kitchen units at check-out.
Jane Morris, Managing Director of Property Let By Us comments:
“According to recent figures from the NLA, around 400,000 landlords in the UK have had their property damaged by tenants in the last 12 months. Our research shows that the problem is much bigger than this. So many landlords face expensive cleaning and repair bills at check-out, which are often contested by the tenant.
“It’s so important for landlords to carry out thorough reference checks before taking on a new tenant. They should also ensure there is an inventory and make regular visits to their property to check its condition – ideally every 3-4 months. This will give landlords the opportunity to engage with the tenant and discuss any issues, so they can be resolved, well before check-out.”