The study conducted by PropertyLetByUs.com – a leading online letting agent, shows that one in ten tenants has failed to get repairs fixed altogether. A big gripe amongst tenants is that landlords and agents use poor quality tradespeople to maintain the property.
In September 2015, three private landlords in Peterborough were ordered to pay a total of £19,550 in fines and costs after failing to make repairs at the properties they let out.
Peterborough City Council secured successful prosecutions against the three for failing to comply with statutory notices on their properties.
One of the properties was found with serious mould growth, dampness and inadequate ventilation. It also had an unsuitable electrical installation and without adequate external lighting. A second property was found to be very badly insulated, with defective windows and entrance door with an inadequate central heating system. There was also exposed electrical wiring and poor bathroom facilities.
Jane Morris, Managing Director of PropertyLetByUs.com comments: “This case should serve as a stark reminder to all other landlords and letting agents that that they could face prosecution proceedings and heavy fines if they fail to make repairs to a property and ensure that it meets the required standards.
There are many tenants that are living in sub-standard accommodation with hazardous conditions. Too often tenants are being ignored when they flag up problems to their landlord or agent.
Our research shows that the most common cause of complaints are faulty boilers; leaking roofs; faulty showers; mould and condensation; leaking bathroom and window locks; broken windows; smoke alarms; and pests and vermin.
Landlords and agents should deal with tenant repair requests quickly and ensure they use qualified and experienced contractors to carry out the work.”
PropertyLetByUs has put together some guidelines on landlord response times for tenant complaints:
• Landlords and agents have a duty of care to advise tenants on the correct course of action while contractors are organised, such as turning off gas taps, water stop cocks or main electricity supplies, to ensure that any problem does not cause danger to life and property.
• Any gas or major electrical fault is classed as urgent and should be attended to within 24 hours or less. This also applies when heating or hot water is affected, especially during cold weather.
• Water leaks – within 24 hours
• Cookers – within 48 hours
• Other broken appliances - washing machines, dish washers etc should be attended to within 72 hours