Owner of Belvoir Birmingham Central, Major Mahil says: “An empty property is a vulnerable property. So, if your tenant is intending to be away during the festivities, it's important to put some security measures in place in order to protect it.
Opportunistic thieves love empty properties, especially over the Christmas period when piles of pricey presents are left unattended. In addition, unexpected maintenance emergencies can escalate at speed while no one's home.”
Maintenance matters
If a property is going to be empty during December or January one of a landlord's main maintenance fears is water.
Owner of Belvoir Melton Mowbray and Belvoir Bingham Charlotte Baker says: “A leaky roof, blocked guttering or burst pipes can all cause substantial damage swiftly in the absence of a tenant to notice or report them,”
To help reduce the potential of water worries, check that all roof tiles are secure and haven't been damaged by the recent winds, plus that all guttering is unblocked and debris-free.”
Major adds: “To help prevent frozen pipes ensure all pipes are adequately insulated, plus ask your tenant to set the timer on the heating for an hour in the morning and at night while they are away.
Also think about fire safety,” he continues. “Electrical appliances, including Christmas lights, should be switched off at the sockets and unplugged. Plus, all internal doors should be shut in order to slow down the spread of a fire if it was to start.”
Lock up and leave
If your tenant is looking to lock up and leave for a lengthy timeframe then ask them to let you know.
“If your property is going to be empty for 28 days or more it's important that you are made aware,” says Charlotte. “Some tenants may even be happy for you to visit the property occasionally in their absence to make sure all is well. Before doing so, however, always ensure you have their permission for this.”
Having the correct insurance is also essential. “It's vital that you have a good insurance policy in place in case the worst was to happen,” she continues. “When did you last check your policy? Is it going to cover you for all the common winter emergency situations? Plus, are there certain criteria you have to meet if the property is vacant for an extended period of time, such as draining the heating system?”
Crime crackers
As well as preventing potential winter maintenance hazards, crack down on Christmas crime too.
“If the property has a burglar alarm, window locks and other security features check that they are in working order,” says Charlotte. “Also consider installing outside security lights. It's helpful to talk to your tenant in order to ensure they understand how to use the security measures you've put in place and are aware of their responsibilities.”
Major agrees and says it's also useful to create the illusion that someone's home. “While it's beneficial for you (and perhaps a neighbour) to know that your tenant is going to be away over the festive season, it's just as valuable that other people don't!” he says.
Providing an interior lamp with a timer can help make a property appear occupied, as can leaving a car in the driveway, plus asking a neighbour to push post properly through the letterbox and put out the bins.
It's surprising how many people openly talk about their holiday movements too, for example on social media or in their local community,” he concludes. “Explain the potential dangers of this to your tenant so they don't give opportunistic thieves an early Christmas present by letting them know nobody's home!”
Safe and secure – at-a-glance...
√ Ask your tenant to let you know if they are planning to be away
√ Make sure burglar alarms, window locks and other safety features are functioning correctly
√ Use the central heating timer setting to help prevent burst pipes
√ Check that all roof tiles are snug and secure
√ Ensure guttering is unblocked and debris-free
√ Leave a car in the driveway
√ Ask a neighbour to push post properly through the letterbox and put out the bins
√ Install outside security lights
√ Ensure you're adequately insured
√ Talk to your tenant to make sure they understand their responsibilities
√ Ask a letting agent for their advice